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A member registered Jul 27, 2020

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hi chat room xD

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Hi! my name is conie, and I am in team "BrackeysGameJam4". You do not need to knw much, we are literally doing this for fun! We would love someone who can do art (I mean, literally even a 5 year old can do art, we are NOT asking very much xD) but we would like someone around the age of 13-17 maybe? Please DM me on Discord -->>  CC#0443

when the jam starts my man. Brackeys will tell you the game theme when it starts, so you won't know what kind of game to make until then :3

hi! are you still looking? discord -->>CC#0443

hi GMSOD. I have experience with Unity (i'm gonna be honest,  not too much with blender tbh) and I can code C#. you can DM me on discord -->> CC#0443

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Sorry, I don't work on construct, nvm! lol